How to care for your baby's scalp - Ziggy's Pudding

How to care for your baby's scalp

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You’re probably saying, I was told to “just leave it alone”. Well, yes, and no. In this article, I'll share with you more about the importance of scalp care for your baby.

What is the scalp?

The scalp is composed of layers of tissues that cover the skull (cranium). The face borders it in front and in the back, it’s bordered by the neck. It comprises five layers, called the skin, dense connective tissue, epicranial aponeurosis, loose areolar connective tissue, and the periosteum.

best moisturizer for dry scalp

Let’s break it down even further…

  • The skin layer is composed of many hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
  • Dense connective tissue is the richly vascularized layer that connects the skin to the epicranial aponeurosis. This site is loaded with blood vessels that adhere to the connective tissue. 
  • Epicranial aponeurosis is a thin tendon-like structure connected to the occipitalis(muscle on the back of the skull) and frontalis (muscle on the forehead) muscles.
  • Loose areolar tissue is a thin connective layer, which connects the epicranial aponeurosis to the periosteum. This area contains many blood vessels, including the emissary veins, which are veins that connect the veins on the outside of the skull to the veins within the skull. 
  • Periosteum is the outer layer of skull bones.

What is the function of the scalp?

The scalp serves as a physical barrier to protect the skull from physical trauma and pathogens that might cause an infection. Along with these important features, the scalp also has an aesthetic purpose as well. That's where beautiful hair comes in. Hair not only plays a role in the appearance, but it also protects and conserves heat on the scalp. The hair is on the first layer of the scalp, the skin layer.  

Why is all of this important?

When my now 4 yr old daughter started experiencing itchy scalp, hair loss and random bumps on her scalp, truthfully, it helped to know a bit of the anatomy of the scalp to help me create a product that would work. Knowing more about the scalp also helped me find and use other supporting products such as shampoos that would be beneficial for her and work alongside our organic scalp oil.

Scalp care is an integral part of scalp and hair health. Caring for your baby’s scalp is as important as taking care of your baby’s skin. We often neglect the parts of our babies that are not visible, like the scalp. 

When I had my first child, I noticed he developed cradle cap. It was on the top half of his scalp and eyebrows. I did not create this oil back then, but used a few oils in combination, along with my proven technique, to get rid of it fast. More on that in a later article. But that experience made me more attentive to my baby’s scalp. 

My daughter, fortunately, did not have cradle cap but had an itchy and bumpy scalp and hair loss. Now the hair loss thing is common in a lot of babies and I'll share more on that in a later article. However, using these methods really helped me take care of her scalp and support her body to improve her symptoms.

Here are the ways to take care of your baby’s scalp.

how to get rid of cradle cap

1. Assess, Assess, Assess.

You have to look at your baby’s scalp. Don’t follow the rule of leaving the scalp alone entirely. Look and check for irritation, scratches, bumps and cradle cap. Sometimes, when your baby is blessed with a head full of hair, you may not see that they have developed any scalp issues unless you look and inspect their scalp.

You may ask yourself, how often should I look at the scalp? Every two to three days when they are a newborn and if you notice something, then take care of it and observe more often.

 2.Wash the scalp, not the hair

So, remember those shampoo commercials with a bunch of lather on the baby’s hair and it looks so luxurious and like an amazing experience? Well, you really don't need to wash the hair unless it is visibly soiled. Your primary focus should be to cleanse the scalp. A clean scalp will allow for a healthy scalp and promote healthy hair growth. 

3. Avoid abrasive stuff

The combs and brushes you use should be for babies. Not all products and hair tools are made equal. When handling the scalp, you have to be very, very gentle. Remember, the fontanelles are still soft and we do not want to disturb that area at all. It’s very important that you leave that area alone. Avoid shampoos not formulated for babies. Do not be impatient with the hair growth and start using abrasive chemicals on their scalp( yes, people do this). 

4. Invest in a Scalp oil!!!

Scalp oils are a game changer!!! Ok, a bit of enthusiasm here because we provide you with an amazing scalp oil with exceptional organic ingredients. Oils are known to protect and lubricate the skin barrier. The skin barrier of your newborn takes up to 12 months to fully develop, and that includes the scalp. The skin goes through a lot of changes as it develops and matures. During this time, the skin is susceptible to different factors that cause irritation and possible infection. This includes the scalp. The right scalp oil has a blend of ingredients that protect the integrity of the skin barrier on the scalp, provide beneficial fatty acids, prevent scalp irritation and provide relief for any current scalp issues.

In summary,

Proper scalp care is part of an overall plan to care for your baby. It’s inclusive in their overall care for their optimal health and wellness. Overtime, with proper scalp maintenance, your baby will reap the rewards of a healthy scalp and healthy hair growth. 

If your baby is experiencing any scalp irritation like cradle cap, dandruff, dry scalp or itchiness on the scalp, consider giving our scalp oil a try risk free. Thanks for reading.

Have you or your baby experienced any scalp issues?

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What is cradle cap?

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