10 Best and 10 Potentially Dangerous Essential Oils for Babies - Ziggy's Pudding

10 Best and 10 Potentially Dangerous Essential Oils for Babies

Essential oils are synonymous with natural skincare, including skincare for babies. As much as we love the aromatherapy and healing benefits of essential oils, some are best for your baby and some should not be used on your baby. Safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to essential oil use on babies; you can learn more here. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the 10 best essential oils for children, highlighting their potential benefits, and discuss 10 potentially dangerous essential oils that should be approached with caution or avoided entirely.

which essential oils are unsafe for babies

Part 1: 10 Best Essential Oils for Children

  1. Lavender: Lavender oil is one of the most versatile and gentle essential oils for children. It is known for its calming properties, promoting relaxation, and supporting restful sleep. Lavender oil can also be used to soothe minor skin irritations and ease feelings of tension.
  2. Roman Chamomile: Roman chamomile oil is soothing and gentle, making it a great choice for children. It is commonly used to promote relaxation, and calmness, and support healthy sleep patterns. Roman chamomile can also be used to soothe skin irritations and help with digestion.
  3. Sweet Orange: Sweet orange oil has a cheerful and uplifting scent. It can help create a positive and energizing atmosphere, making it beneficial for promoting a sense of well-being and positivity in children. Sweet orange oil is also gentle on the skin and can be used in diluted forms on the skin.
  4. Tea Tree: Tea tree oil possesses powerful antimicrobial properties, making it useful for minor skin irritations and blemishes. It can be diluted and applied on the skin to help soothe insect bites, scrapes, or cuts. Tea tree oil should be used in small amounts and with caution, as it can be sensitizing for some children.
  5. Lemon: Lemon oil has a refreshing and uplifting scent. It can help improve mood, increase concentration, and boost energy levels. Lemon oil is also a natural disinfectant and can be used in cleaning solutions to maintain a clean and fresh environment.
  6. Frankincense: One of my favorite oils, frankincense oil has calming and grounding properties, making it beneficial for promoting relaxation and a sense of tranquility in children. It can be used in diluted forms on the skin or diffused to create a peaceful atmosphere.
  7. Cedarwood: Cedarwood oil is known for its calming and soothing effects. It can help promote relaxation, support healthy sleep, and create a peaceful environment. Cedarwood oil can be diluted and applied topically or diffused for aromatherapy benefits.
  8. Sandalwood: This essential oil has a calming effect that helps reduce anxiety and insomnia. Also, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties that may keep your baby's skin healthy.
  9. Ginger: Ginger oil is known for its digestive properties and can help alleviate occasional stomach discomfort or nausea in children. It should be used in small amounts and properly diluted before applying topically or used in aromatherapy.
  10. Geranium: Geranium oil has a balancing and calming effect on emotions. It can help promote a sense of well-being, alleviate stress, and support emotional stability in children. Geranium oil can be diluted and applied topically or diffused to enjoy its aromatic benefits.

Part 2: 10 Potentially Dangerous Essential Oils for Children

  1. Peppermint: Peppermint oil contains a high concentration of menthol, which can be too strong for children, especially infants and toddlers. It can cause breathing difficulties or airway constriction in young children. Avoid using peppermint oil on or around young children.
  2. Eucalyptus: Although we mentioned it earlier in the best oils for children, eucalyptus oil, similar to peppermint oil, contains compounds such as cineole that can be problematic for young children. It can cause respiratory issues and should be avoided in children under 10 years of age. We suggest only using a well-diluted concentration and keeping it away from young children.
  3. Wintergreen: Wintergreen oil contains high levels of methyl salicylate, which can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. It should be avoided in children, particularly if they have a history of aspirin sensitivity.
  4. Cinnamon: Cinnamon oil is strong and can be irritating to the skin, especially in high concentrations. It is best to avoid using cinnamon oil directly on the skin of young children.
  5. Clove: Clove oil is highly concentrated and can cause skin irritation and sensitization. It should be used with caution and in highly diluted forms, if at all, for children.
  6. Oregano: Oregano oil is known for its antimicrobial properties, but it is highly potent and can cause skin irritation. It should be used sparingly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  7. Thyme: Thyme oil is strong and can cause skin irritation and sensitization in children. It should be used in highly diluted forms and with caution.
  8. Nutmeg: Nutmeg oil is potent and can be irritating to the skin. It should be used sparingly and with caution in children.
  9. Rosemary: Rosemary oil contains camphor and can be stimulating, which may not be suitable for young children. It should be used in moderation and with proper dilution.
  10. Lemon verbena: If topically applied before sun exposure, this oil can cause photosensitivity and may result in burning

How to use essential oils on children:

Essential oils can be used diluted on the skin, or in a diffuser to promote a calm environment.


When it comes to babies, All essential oils must be diluted to ensure safe use on their skin. After 2 yrs old, certain essential oils can used on the skin and through aromatherapy methods, but at a much weaker concentration than adult dosing. A safe dilution ratio is typically 0.5 to 2.5 percent.


When it comes to using essential oils for children, safety is paramount. While some essential oils offer potential benefits for children, it's crucial to choose oils that are safe and appropriate for their age. The 10 best essential oils for children, such as lavender, Roman chamomile, and sweet orange, offer gentle and beneficial properties. On the other hand, the 10 potentially dangerous oils, including peppermint, eucalyptus, and wintergreen, should be approached with caution or avoided altogether due to their potential risks.

Always remember to properly dilute essential oils, perform patch tests, and closely monitor your child's reactions when introducing any new oil. If you have any concerns or questions, consult with healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about essential oil safety for children. Prioritizing your child's well-being and taking appropriate precautions will help ensure a positive and safe experience when using essential oils.

Read next: Is it safe to use essential oils on my baby?

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